Claudia Croneberger’s Artist Statement
Have you ever looked at something and it just made you feel happy? There is so much in this beautiful world of ours that could bring us joy, if we take the time to slow down and SEE. There is also much sadness.
When creating my art, I focus on what is joyful.
There are two very strong forces that greatly influence my work. The first is my compassion for mankind. When I think about someone who is hurting in some way, I can feel their pain and I want to help. The second is my love of the Earth. I want to do what I can to recycle and help to preserve this beautiful planet which God gave us dominion over. I have always wanted to make a difference in the world. I love our Earth and every living thing. I believe I can make a small difference in the world by taking what I associate with sadness and things that would be thrown away- and turning them into pieces of art that will bring some joy into the lives of those who encounter them.
Using cardboard from cereal boxes and other cardboard containers which would otherwise end up in the trash, I draw from my imagination a design and cut it out. I then use old newspapers torn into strips and soaked in a flour mixture to create layers and texture. After several days, and layers, I let the sculpture dry thoroughly. Then I choose bright, happy colors to bring the sculpture to life, all the while thinking joyful thoughts and playing classical music. My wish is to put a bit of joy into each sculpture so when anyone looks at a piece of my artwork they will feel happier.
The results are whimsical colorful creatures designed to delight and bring joy to everyone who encounters them.